Growing Green Communities

Going Wild for Edible Mushrooms

On the 2nd of September, we went mushroom gathering, something we unfortunately didn’t have time for last time. Our main goal was to visit the forest near Sofia’s summerhouse and find as many edible mushrooms as possible. After school, we went to our home economics classroom and made some lunch for the trip.

Once we arrived at Sofia’s summerhouse, we got a bit sidetracked and started picking damsons, which were so delicious and sweet—almost like plums! After filling a whole bucket, we were satisfied and finally headed to the forest.

Sofia was the only one with any knowledge of mushrooms, so it was a good thing she was there; otherwise, we most likely would have picked some poisonous ones! At first, those of us who weren’t mushroom experts spent time learning about edible mushrooms, their names, and how they looked. We found a lot of great mushrooms like chanterelles, winter chanterelles, black trumpets, milk caps, and a few others.

After about an hour, we wrapped up and took a break to enjoy our lunch. The meal was delicious—soup, bread with avocado, and hot chocolate. After that, our trip came to an end, and we headed back to school and home. I really enjoyed the mushroom gathering and would definitely love to do it again. 😊 I can confidently say that everyone (except Sofia, of course) left knowing much more about mushrooms than they did before.

– Lehrkraft, Kalevan Lukio, Finland

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